Windows 8 start menu returns with Start8 from Stardock!



Stardock Start8 Download

2015年8月13日 — Stardock Start8 lets you return the Start Button to Windows 8. Microsoft Windows 8 is shipped without the Start menu.

Stardock Start8

Start8 returns the familiar Start menu to Microsoft's latest Windows 8 operating system.


The premier Windows 8 Start Menu replacement. Multiple styles, from Windows 7 to a more modern look. 30 days of support; Languages included: ...

Start8 by Stardock

Start8 is a program developed by Stardock. The most used version is 1.0, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. Upon installation and ...

Start8 for Windows

Start8 is a small application manufactured by Stardock (one of the most popular game and software development companies) that will allow its users to get back the traditional start button of Microsoft operating systems, which has disappeared with the arri

Start8 for Windows

2024年2月21日 — Start8 restores the Windows Start menu to your Windows desktop and adds a variety of customization settings to extend its capabilities.


Return the Start menu to Windows 8/10 with Start8 and Start10. Make the transition to Windows 8/10 easy and familiar for your end users.


2015年8月13日—StardockStart8letsyoureturntheStartButtontoWindows8.MicrosoftWindows8isshippedwithouttheStartmenu.,Start8returnsthefamiliarStartmenutoMicrosoft'slatestWindows8operatingsystem.,ThepremierWindows8StartMenureplacement.Multiplestyles,fromWindows7toamoremodernlook.30daysofsupport;Languagesincluded: ...,Start8isaprogramdevelopedbyStardock.Themostusedversionis1.0,withover98%ofallinstall...